Then into our life
there comes a darkness
There's a spacecraft blocking out the
And there is nowhere to hide
You run to the back
and your cover your ears
Its the loudest sound you've ever
And all we trapped rag doll cloth
We are helpless to resist
Into our darkest hour
But it was just a laugh
just a laugh
just a laugh
just a laugh
Even at this angle
And so we crumble
A ten-ton head
made of sand
Oh this dread circumference
You’ve gotta kidding me
The grass grows over me
Your face in the glass
in the glass
This is just a laugh
just a laugh
Its whatever you say it is
In split infinities
hen into our life
there comes a darkness
There's a spacecraft blocking out the
And there is nowhere to hide
You run to the back
[Decks 19 dark]
Lie down, I shall be back for you.
(((”Bright orange ball, fuzzy edges
moving towards east. No noise, speed of
a plane”)))
(((”I saw the lights too. They came
together above wicken fen and
assembled into one large light. it was
quite intense in the centre and seemed
to pulsate. This object then dropped
into the river and disappeared under
the water. What was really strange
was throughout this there was no
sound from the light/s.
I didn’t hang around to find out what
happened next as my dog was getting
very distressed.”)))
living in the folds of your dress at the
thick skinned as i have become
You are terminal and you are within me
You will get your reward in heaven
If that is where you are heading
Into my -------- there's a wind blowing
Where I sit alone and the fires going
Only you can bring a spark to my fire
White gloves and sophistication
A little power will destroy you
All these rag doll cloth people who
are old and sad
And ---------------- need re animating
They call us from a big old empty plane
We are ---------------------- high pitch drone
The --------------------------
We run to the back and cover our ears
I go back to see where the noise is
coming from
and your cover your ears
but It’s the loudest sound you've ever
into our darkest hour
when you’ve had enough of me
sweet times
═════════════════════ am i who is
══════════════════════ to dance to
═════════════════════════════ anterns
══════════════════════ shinning
════════════ said ═════════ true
═══════════════ detonating phrases
═════════════════════════ insulation
════════ the emptiness
══════════ tion
════ don’t an ══ what is best
══════════════════════ is the danger
══════════════════════ myself a
══════════════════════ around
════════════════════════ imaginary
══════════════════ forces of nature
════════════════ their wholesome
════════════ reality
════════════════════ replaced
════════════════════ house
════════ I’ll be back for you
Lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet, consectetur adip
isicing elit, sed do eius
mod tempor incididun
t ut labore et dolore
magna aliqua. Ut
enim ad minim veni
am, quis nostrud ex
ercitation ullamco
laboris nisi ut aliq
uip ex ea commod
o consequat. Dui
s aute irure dolor
in reprehenderit in voluptate
velit esse cillum dolore eu
fugiat nulla pariatur.
Excepteur sint occaecat
cupidatat non proid
ent, sunt in culpa qui
officia deserunt moll
it anim id est laborum
. Sed ut perspiciatis
unde omnis iste na
tus error sit volu
ptatem accusantium
doloremque lauda
ntium, totam rem a
periam, eaque ipsa
quae ab illo inventore
veritatis et quasi
architecto beata
e vitae dicta sunt
explicabo. Nemo e
nim ipsam voluptat
em quia voluptas sit
Then into our life
there comes a darkness
There's a spacecraft blocking out the
And there is nowhere to hide
You run to the back
and your cover your ears
Its the loudest sound you've ever
And all we trapped rag doll cloth
We are helpless to resist
Into our darkest hour
But it was just a laugh
just a laugh
just a laugh
just a laugh
Even at this angle
And so we crumble
A ten-ton head
made of sand
Oh this dread circumference
You’ve gotta kidding me
The grass grows over me
Your face in the glass
in the glass
This is just a laugh
just a laugh
Its whatever you say it is
In split infinities
hen into our life
there comes a darkness
There's a spacecraft blocking out the
And there is nowhere to hide
You run to the back